The best work from home jobs in South Africa

Searching for a job can be frustrating. It is almost impossible to find a job that has a good environment, a salary you are satisfied with, good schedule and at the same time gives you the possibility to elevate in your career. It is especially hard for young people in developing countries such as South Africa. Even though South Africa is getting on the road of economic development it still lacks the career opportunities for the young, passionate people who want to have a decent job and earn good money. This is why many people in SA are searching for alternative ways to work from home. This is why I decided to write about the jobs you can do and how to earn money working from home in South Africa.

Of course, all jobs, whether done from the office or from your home require some set of skills, therefore you need to choose the job that suits you the most. In this list you will find some of the most common online jobs for you, some of them require specific skills but I have tried to include the ones that can be learned in a very short time. Here are some work from home ideas South African residents can start even today with a laptop and an internet connection only! Let’s start

work from home ideas South AfricanBlogger

Blogging is one of the easiest work to do from home. Bloggers usually choose one or two topics they are writing about, it can be technologies, business, tourism, food or anything you can think of. Blogging requires the skill of writing and entertaining the reader. You need to be informed about every news that is happening in the field you are writing about.


How to start?

  • First, you need to think of a topic you want your blog to be about. It must be something you enjoy talking about and at the same time, it must be something that readers can enjoy too.
  • You need to set up the blog and content plan for some period of time so that you know what you will be writing about.
  • Once you have a good number of readers you can actually start making money with it.


  • You will set up your schedule yourself
  • You can combine blogging with an already existing job
  • You write what you are passionate about, so you will not be bored with it


  • It takes time to generate profits

work from home online opportunities South AfricaContent writer

Content writing is somehow similar to blogging, you do not set up your own blog but contribute to other’s blogs. It is a great opportunity for those who have good writing skills but do not want to commit to their own blog yet, or who wants to receive the money instantly. The majority of the companies have their own blogs and try to keep them active daily. Instead of hiring someone to be in the office, companies prefer to have a remote employee for it or to hire different freelance writers. Therefore there is a big demand for it. You do not necessarily have to work for the South African companies as well. Hence, it one of the great work from home online opportunities.

How to start:

  • Write several articles you can show to your future employer as an example
  • Register at the online freelance website where you can connect with employers
  • Contact blogs and websites and suggest your service for free or for the small fee at the beginning, later you can increase it.


  • You will get your payment instantly after submitting the articles
  • You will have to write about different topics, hence you will not be bored.


  • As the job is easy to get, there is high competition

work from home ideas for South AfricansOnline teacher

Being an online teacher is one of the most common work from home ideas South African people might have. As the world is spending more and more time at their computers the teaching and learning process is digitalized too. You can teach pretty much everything you know the best – languages, math, chemistry, physics, cooking, programming and so on, you are not limited, however, you should teach something that people would like to learn.

You can teach in two ways, one option is peer-to-peer online lessons which are usually online, and the second option is recording step by step videos and uploading them on your website where you can monetize them. You can combine both as well.

How to start:

  • Decide what you can teach best and prepare a general teaching plan
  • If you choose option 1 – post about your lessons on social media and register on websites people might get to know about you.
  • If you choose option 2 – record the videos of your lessons
  • Register on online lessons website as a teacher and upload your videos, make an attractive name for it.
  • Set a price and wait until people start purchasing it


  • You decide when to work
  • You teach something that you know very well
  • You can set up the price by yourself


  • It is hard to distinguish yourself from other videos that can be on the same topic.

 legitimate work from home in South AfricaOnline reviewer

If you love shopping and are searching for legitimate work from home in South Africa writing online reviews can be the best option for you. There are many people who make a decision whether or not to purchase a particular thing based on online reviews. You can provide reviews on many different items and later start with affiliate marketing as well. If you love checking new things and can talk/write about their goods and bad features in a natural manner you can consider writing online reviews. Usually, reviewers can be paid or given a product of the company for writing a good review, or they make money with the affiliate links of online shops.

How to start?

  • Set up a blog where you will write reviews of different products
  • Start reviewing things you use for your daily life, write honest reviews why you like or do not like them
  • Get affiliate links of online shops such as Amazon and write about the products placed there, implement the affiliate link in your good reviews so that people will follow the link to buy.


  • You get paid for writing!
  • You can give it as much time as you want


  • It takes some time to make it profitable, however, you can make decent money if you are patient enough.

how to make money online in South Africa Day trader

Another answer on how to make money online in South Africa is Forex trading. Although, it might not be profitable for everyone as it requires some set of skills, however, everyone can master those skills if they work hard enough. Trading can be done whenever and wherever you want, in addition to that, you can set your schedule and timeline for it, as there are no deadlines whatsoever. The skills you need can be very easily learned online, without paying a single cent for them. Our guide to online Forex trading will also help you get started.

How to start?

  • Make sure you learn as much as possible about Forex trading
  • Find a reliable broker and set up an account with it
  • Start trading with no money or a very small deposit


  • With day trading you will see profits very soon
  • You can start without any money or with a small deposit fee
  • Your schedule is up to you


  • Every kind of trading involves risk, you should not start trading before you have understood and calculated the risks.

Start Trading For Free Today

the best work from home jobs in South AfricaGraphic designer

In today’s world, content is the king and the majority of it comes with visual graphics. It makes graphic designers one of the most demanded professionals. Every company is producing some kind of content and are looking for graphic designers. While some companies have in-house designers, many are searching freelancers. The good thing about being a graphic designer is that you do not need a physical presence in the office or even in the country where the office is located. If you live in South Africa, you can have customers from the UK or elsewhere, or be employed in a company from anywhere in the world. This makes a graphic designer one of the best work from home jobs in South Africa.

It requires some skills though. Learning graphic design might take you from one to three months only if you work hard at it. You also need to have good taste, good sense of colors and keep yourself up with the new trends.

How to start?

  • If you are a complete beginner, learn graphic design from youtube videos
  • Create designs to have a portfolio
  • Register on websites that showcase digital art to gain followers and show others what you do
  • Register on the websites that connect freelancers with employers
  • Send your portfolio to companies that might be interested


  • It is one of the best ways to earn money working from home in South Africa or anywhere else as it is usually high paid
  • Almost all companies you can think of need this service


  • You need specific skills for starting out

work at home job South AfricaSocial media manager

Social media manager is just like a graphic designer, every company who cares about the connection with its customers and uses social media needs one. Social media managers are in charge of the company’s social media pages, they place the content, promote it if necessary, work to increase the community around the specific brand and raise awareness about it. In some cases, social media managers are also responsible for direct communication with customers via messengers. If you love social media channels and are active on them it might be the best work at home job for you. Besides loving social media you should know how it works, you need to be creative, witty and know how to engage people.

How to start?

  • Learn a bit more about how social media advertising works
  • Search for  small businesses in your hometown that might benefit from social media advertising and offer your service for a small fee
  • Gather several such businesses and once you get experience go for the bigger companies that understand the value of social media marketing and pay well.
  • Offer your service to international companies once you get some database about your performance.


  • It does not require a lot of time, hence you can be in charge of several pages and earn more
  • You will get skills and experience that will always come handy, especially when you make your business or want to promote yourself as a professional


  • It requires a set of skills you need to get before you can get started

work from home opportunities south Africa
Obviously, these are not the only ways you can earn money online, there are some other work from home opportunities you can get, however, I chose those who can be the most attractive for you in terms of money and future growth. You can choose the one which seems more interesting and more profitable for you. Remember that making money online is all about the motivation and devotion, the best advise I can give you is to start working on it today to see the results as soon as possible.

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